With the persistence of the pressing and emerging problems in the arena of politics and public policies, questions of the roles of ethics and applied philosophy are matters of great import and urgency. Contemporary issues related to the ethical and philosophical values underlying politics and public policies may cover but not limited to protections of minority groups in democracies, political legitimacies in post-truth society, practices of leadership in delivering public welfares, women rights and the rights of disabled and disadvantaged people, states and international communities’ roles in mitigating the gap between the richest and the poorest, institutionalization of civil and political rights and attempts by many leaders to forge national identity and to explore the foundational political principles better apply to the lives of their societies.
Among students, academics and researchers alike, to recognize such contemporary ethical and practical philosophical issues and to address them in a professional manner remain necessary and relevant today as in the past. Yet, the nature of ethics and applied philosophy, and the possible contributions of the discipline to politics and public policy may still be far from settled. As the debate remains, for instance, with regard to the sources of the moral content and the established practices of politics and public policies nexus, new imaginaries of ideal society are always welcome and open, while the new contributions of thoughts and concepts to the contemporary issues of ethics and applied philosophy have become more necessary.
Course on Contemporary Issues on Ethics and Applied Philosophy is designed to address the needs to make ethics and practical philosophy thriving again with respect to the contemporary political and public policies challenges in Indonesia and beyond. It offers a wide variety of topics that are supposedly practical and yet theoretically challenging issues to include such theme as minority and disadvantaged groups in democracy; pollster and political legitimacy; political leadership and financial conflict of interests; truth, fake news and the rights to know; Pancasila as ethical foundation for political judgment; women participation and political financing; freedom of speech and democracy; disability and access to public services; health care services and equity; and international humanitarian aids and state sovereignty.
This year Faculty of Philosophy of Universitas Gadjah Mada will hold the 2019 International Summer Course on Contemporary Issues on Ethics And Applied Philosophy.
The course will be held from November 3 – 10 2019.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta – Indonesia
To apply in this program, you can access through this link:
For more information, please kindly contact:
Email: oiac.philosophy@ugm.ac.id
Phone: +62 82242540991 (Ms. Adita Nurdia Damayanti)
Faculty of Philosophy, Notonagoro Building, 4th Floor D.I. Yogyakarta Indonesia