On Tuesday (5/9), the Faculty of Philosophy launched the ASEAN Journal of CI-EL and Applied Philosophy, which was inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at UGM, Dr. Rr. Siti Murtiningsih, M.Hum, and the CEO of PT. Markplus Indonesia, Dr. (H.C) Hermawan Kertajaya, S.E., M.B.A. Present at the event were the Markplus.inc team, lecturers, educational staff, representatives of the Head of Study Centers at UGM, student representatives, and invited guests from various partner universities. In her address, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy conveyed that the business world in today’s era is expected not to abandon ethical values and humanity, as these two principles must be upheld in conducting a business.
The event was held in a hybrid format, featuring speakers from abroad. On this occasion, Hermawan Kertajaya presented material related to Entrepreneurial Marketing: Punakawan Spirit for Humanitarian Entrepreneurship. Arlene P. Martinez (President and CEO of Mykartero Philippines) discussed the Influence of the Philippines’ Unique Social Culture in Business. Dr. Phauthiwong Uarmahacharoen (Founder/Executive Director of Farm Fit Food Co.Ltd.) spoke about Value Asset Creation of the Matrix Model. And Prof. Dr. Lasiyo, M.A., M.M (Senior Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at UGM) discussed The Contribution of Confucian Ethics to Business Development in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.