The Nusantara Philosophy Laboratory (Lafinus) of the Faculty of Philosophy at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has opened registration for the Macapat and Geguritan Video Competition, which is open to students in grades 7-9 from junior high schools (SMP/MTs) across the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This competition aims to promote Javanese cultural arts, particularly macapat and geguritan, while fostering an appreciation among the public, especially the younger generation, to preserve the noble culture of Indonesia.
“The Nusantara Philosophy Laboratory at the Faculty of Philosophy, UGM, is committed to preserving this intellectual treasure. The Macapat and Geguritan Video Competition, held in collaboration with the Cultural Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, is a concrete manifestation of this commitment,” explained Dr. Septiana Dwiputri Maharani, Head of Lafinus.
Macapat is a traditional Javanese poetic form, while geguritan is a narrative poem that tells a story. Both macapat and geguritan carry powerful values and messages, making them reflections on life that can guide people in their daily existence.
The messages contained in macapat and geguritan, according to Septiana, provide insights into the life of society. This is expected to serve as a foundation for strengthening character in the midst of globalization and technological advancements.
“Recently, macapat and geguritan have been increasingly neglected by the younger generation because they are considered outdated. They are more attracted to foreign cultures, which are perceived as following current trends. Through this competition, we hope to encourage young people to better understand, appreciate, and delve deeper into the beauty of macapat and geguritan,” she continued.
There are four aspects of assessment in the macapat video competition: titi laras (the accuracy of tone according to notation), technique (including pedhotan, pakecapan, gregel, and tempo/sareh), dhasar suwanten (clarity of voice), and unggah-ungguh (behavioral aspects such as walking, sitting, and dressing). In the geguritan video competition, the assessment includes surasa (expression and facial gestures), suwara (pronunciation, articulation, and intonation), and sugata (presentation, gestures, blocking, and attire).
Registration and video submissions are open until October 21. Competition guidelines, macapat songs, and geguritan texts can be accessed through the link ugm.id/LombaMacapatGeguritan.