To revive noble cultural values through the art of gamelan, the Faculty of Philosophy at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with the Temanggung Regency’s Department of Culture and Tourism, hosted the Temanggung Gamelan Festival 2024. The event, held on Friday (July 26) at the Sasana Budaya Bumi Phala Maron in Temanggung, featured ten gamelan groups representing various communities and age groups.
The festival is part of the Faculty of Philosophy’s community service program, following the Gamelan Festival held on July 20-21, 2024, as part of the 57th anniversary of the faculty. The community service team consisted of Dr. Sartini, M.Hum., Dr. Supartiningsih, Dr. Septiana Dwiputri Maharani, and Dr. Lailiy Muthmainnah, M.A.
“Many gamelan instruments are left unused and stored away in warehouses. Yet, gamelan contains noble cultural values and plays an important role in building individual character,” explained Dr. Sartini, M.Hum., the Chair of the Community Service Team.
She added that the event aims to reignite public interest in gamelan and strengthen local cultural identity. From school-based gamelan communities to the general public, the participants performed traditional music with great enthusiasm. Some of the groups featured included Karawitan SMP Al Kautsar, Karawitan SMP N Temanggung, Sanggar Bangun Budaya Badran, SMADA Laras Generation SMA N 2 Temanggung, and Sanggar Seni Siswa Langen Wiyata SLB Temanggung.
In addition to local groups, the event was also enlivened by a special performance from the Puspanjali PKKH UGM group, led by Dr. Sartini, M.Hum. The event received strong support from various organizations, such as the Indonesian Dance and Gamelan Association (Pepadi) Temanggung, Temanggung TV, and the Temanggung Arts and Culture Council, all of which reinforced the shared commitment to preserving the art of gamelan in Temanggung.
Dr. Hendra Sumaryana, S.Sos., MT., Head of the Temanggung Department of Culture, welcomed the initiative and expressed his commitment to making the gamelan festival an annual event. “We fully support the vision of making Temanggung a cultural city. This event not only enriches local cultural knowledge but also strengthens our commitment to preserving and promoting Javanese cultural heritage, especially in Temanggung,” he said.
With the Temanggung Gamelan Festival 2024, it is hoped that younger generations will come to appreciate and love traditional gamelan music, and together, preserve and safeguard the existing cultural heritage. The harmony of gamelan music presented at the festival not only showcased the beauty of the art form but also strengthened cultural bonds within the community.