A total of 218 students and 30 accompanying teachers from SMA Negeri 1 Pamarayan, Serang Regency, Banten, visited the Faculty of Philosophy at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on Thursday afternoon. The event took place in the First Floor Hall of the Faculty of Philosophy, starting at 1:00 PM, with Dr. Rizal Mustansyir as the guest speaker.
The visit began with a warm welcome from the Faculty of Philosophy, followed by a brief introduction to the faculty’s vision and mission to nurture critical and reflective young minds. In his presentation, Dr. Rizal Mustansyir provided an overview of UGM’s history as Indonesia’s first national university, which has played a pivotal role in education and nation-building. He highlighted UGM’s strengths, including its commitment to community service and its student admission pathways designed to provide broad opportunities for talented students across the country.
Dr. Rizal also introduced the Faculty of Philosophy, recognized as one of the leading centers for philosophical studies in Indonesia. He described the curriculum and how philosophy serves as a reflective tool to understand and address contemporary challenges. He also emphasized the career prospects for graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy, including opportunities in education, media, policy advocacy, and community development.
The event became increasingly engaging during the Q&A session, where students and teachers posed a variety of questions ranging from UGM’s admission process to philosophy’s role in solving global issues. The dynamic discussion reflected the participants’ keen interest in the topics.
“This event has greatly expanded our students’ horizons, especially regarding higher education and the importance of critical thinking. We hope it inspires them to continue learning and growing,” said one of the accompanying teachers.
The visit concluded with a group photo and an exchange of tokens of appreciation as symbols of goodwill and collaboration. The Faculty of Philosophy at UGM hopes this activity serves as a stepping stone for introducing the values of philosophy to younger generations and strengthening relationships with secondary education institutions.