The Faculty of Philosophy at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) welcomed another academic visit from high school students on Tuesday, January 21. A total of 308 students and accompanying teachers from SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya and MAN 1 Bekasi attended the event at the 1st Floor Selasar, eager to learn more about UGM and the Faculty of Philosophy.
Dr. Rizal Mustansyir, M.Hum., the speaker for the session, began by presenting the history of UGM as a national university with a strategic role in national development. He also highlighted various advantages of UGM, ranging from academic quality to its extensive alumni network. Additionally, he discussed the university’s student admission pathways, including the national selection and independent pathways, which sparked the students’ interest.
During the session about the Faculty of Philosophy, Dr. Rizal explained that philosophy is not just a study of abstract thoughts but also highly relevant to various areas of life. Students in the Faculty of Philosophy at UGM are equipped with critical, analytical, and reflective thinking skills that are valuable in numerous professions, such as academia, journalism, ethics consultancy, as well as in government and the creative industries.
The question-and-answer session was interactive, with students and teachers asking a range of questions about student life at UGM. The participants expressed enthusiasm and appreciation for the opportunity to gain valuable academic insights. One of the accompanying teachers mentioned that the visit was highly beneficial in providing academic perspectives to students who are considering their future study options.
The event concluded with a group photo as a memento and the exchange of souvenirs as a symbol of the good relationship between the Faculty of Philosophy at UGM and the visiting schools. This visit is hoped to inspire the students to continue developing their academic interests and to consider UGM as a potential destination for their future studies.