The Faculty of Philosophy at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a workshop on filling out the Outcome-Based Assessment Information System (SIOBA) and the Information and Evaluation System (SIMONI) on Monday, January 14, 2025. The event was attended by faculty members and conducted in two sessions in the 5th-floor meeting room.
In the first session, Dr. Sonjoruri Budiani Trisakti, M.A., Head of the Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Philosophy UGM, provided guidance on filling out SIOBA and SIMONI to ensure smooth academic activity reporting and monitoring. In her presentation, she emphasized that these systems not only facilitate data collection on faculty activities but also support the evaluation of learning outcomes.
The second session featured technical assistance from the Directorate of Academic Studies and Innovation (DKIA) UGM, represented by Andri Andreas Priyanto and Muhammad Lathif Febriyanto. Faculty members received a detailed explanation of how to input data into both platforms and were given hands-on guidance by the DKIA team. This assistance aimed to ensure that all faculty members understood the data entry process and could utilize the systems effectively.
This workshop was also part of the ongoing Outcome-Based Assessment (OBA) monitoring efforts conducted by academic programs and faculty members. The SIOBA and SIMONI systems are designed to support continuous evaluation of academic activities, aligning them with the program’s achievement targets. This initiative reflects the Faculty of Philosophy UGM’s commitment to enhancing the quality of academic services through the effective and efficient use of information technology.